In Innovation Lab

By Be Green Hub Director, Tina Arreaza

‘Tis the season for gratitude. The past three months have been busy as we’ve launched an application for companies to join our revamped incubator program. I’ve been having a blast and am grateful to be a part of the team.

Bethesda is a hub of innovation, sustainability and community, which makes it a great place to start a business. We have strong companies in our incubator that are leading the way for business with purpose—for example, learn more about Neighborhood Sun’s campaign for community solar below.

I’ve enjoyed meeting like-minded leaders around the county and state working together to raise the visibility of green and social businesses—case in point, make sure to read about the new MoCo Made movement.

We’re so inspired by all of this work that we’re looking for more companies to join the movement. It’s more than possible to contribute to a better planet while also earning revenue and creating jobs—its simply good business.

Here at the Be Green Hub we support companies across two sectors—food and environment. Our new six-month intensive accelerator program will help companies of all stages reach greater viability, whether it means raising capital, securing customers, or getting one step closer toward whatever that next big milestone might be.

Building on Jigar Shah’s speech during our annual Gala, everyone has the responsibility to make a difference and get involved. In the coming months, we will also be looking for mentors and service providers to help support the incubator companies grow.

Join the party! Our doors are open— feel free to park your bike next to mine. A short commute is one of the best things you can do.


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