In Montgomery County Green Business Certification

Congregation Beth El is a Conservative, egalitarian Jewish congregation determined to be both traditional and adaptive to modern life. We offer a place of worship, a place of study, and a place of community, and as we expand we have been determined to reduce our environmental impact on Montgomery County. Since 2007, our Green Tikkun committee has helped Congregation Beth El adopt enough sustainable practices to be the first congregation in Montgomery County to earn Green Certification. In so doing, we hope to influence congregants to implement the same eco-friendly practices in their homes, schools, and places of work.

We offer programs for every stage of life, including a Preschool; Religious School; daily early morning and evening Minyanim; a variety of Shabbat services, including for children; delicious Kiddushim; B’nai/B’not mitzvah preparation; Adult Education; Senior activities; a vibrant Sisterhood (and Zhava, for younger women) and Men’s Club (and Jews & Brews for younger men); a wonderful Library and Book Club; Youth Groups; Shir Atid children’s choir; Ahavat Shir adult choir, and Marak HaYom, a teen-led a Capella group; Israel media series; Mah Jongg; a multitude of committees to join (such as the Green Tikkun, our environmental group); a Chevra Kadisha; and much more.

At events with food, we have reusable cups, plates, bowls, and utensils, and we use these whenever possible. These items are washed in a commercial dishwasher for later reuse. We have an ice maker in order to eliminate the need for bagged ice. We offer iced tap water instead of bottled water at events in order to reduce plastic waste. In cases when disposable cups, plates, bowls, and utensils are needed for a particular event, we buy and use only compostable items. These items are put into the compost bins. Used napkins, paper towels, and wooden stirrers are also compostable and are put into the compost bins. Compost bins are conspicuously labeled. An outside vendor picks up compostable items on a regular basis.

Recyclable items go into recycling bins that are conspicuously labeled for either paper or other recyclable items in accordance with instructions from the recycling vendor. These bins are in the main kitchen and the office supply room at all times. The bins are kept in areas where we expect there to be recyclable waste.

Congregation Beth El’s annual Mitzvah Day event highlights our environmental sustainability while teaching members ways they can be more environmentally sustainable in their own lives. We sell travel mugs at a nominal cost in order to provide individuals with a convenient refillable container for hot beverages. Each year, we host an electronics recycling event where members may drop off their electronics.

Congregation Beth El purchases 100% WindPower for the building. We use 30%-recycled copy paper. We have LED lighting in the parking lot. 

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