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Job Openings


Board Member Openings

Bethesda Green is looking to add diversity to its board of directors and seeks candidates for consideration. Bethesda Green works to address environmental challenges locally by creating a sustainable, green community, built collaboratively through citizen engagement, environmental education, government partnership and innovative business development. We address environmental challenges through recycling, composting, stormwater mitigation and other local projects; we run an Environmental Leaders mentorship program to support environmental education for area high school students; and we implement the leading business incubator/accelerator program in the Mid-Atlantic that helps “eco-entrepreneurs” build businesses focused on environmentalism and sustainability. Interested individuals should contact the Executive Director.

Internship Openings

Interested in interning with Bethesda Green? Send your resume and statement of interest to info@bethesdagreen.org.

Bethesda Green is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to diversity and inclusion. We strongly encourage applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds.

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