Glen Waye Gardens Condominium is a 214-unit garden apartment condominium complex with a five-acre footprint on a 15-acre property that drains into the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia River. Built in the late 1960’s, it was converted from a rental property into a condominium and is now populated by residents of diverse backgrounds. Bethesda Green worked with Glen Waye Gardens Condominiums in Silver Spring to help mitigate stormwater runoff into the Anacostia River and reduce flooding, erosion, and property damage. Together we installed of a stormwater management system and 18,517 square ft. of conservation garden.  Now, for every one-inch rainstorm, 2,028 cubic ft of stormwater is treated, and absorbed into the environment.

This project was made possible by funding from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. Award funding is provided through Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund.

Stromwater Management at Glenwaye Gardens



Glen Waye Gardens Condominium’s newly elected Board of Directors prioritize creating a “native Maryland forest.”


Glen Waye Gardens Condominium introduced to Bethesda Green through the Master-Metered Condominium Alliance


Montgomery County Shades of Green Program contracted with Casey Trees to plant a total of 96 native trees to be planted from 2013 – 2015.


Bethesda Green and Glen Waye Gardens Condominium were awarded a $32,000 grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund administered by the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection


Chesapeake Bay Trust grant focused on three objectives; the installation of 17 cisterns, creating a 4,400-square-foot conservation landscape, and planting an additional 60 trees for reforestation.


Glen Waye Gardens independenly replaced old shrubbery, added a budget for “greenery,” installed paver window wells and french drains, planted the Wall of Roses and perennial herbs, installed 15 recycled metal animals.


Bethesda Green awarded an $80,000 grant from Chesapeake Bay Trust


Bethesda Green and Glen Waye Gardens are beginning to implement new project goals of installing 2-3 conservation landscapes and running a Cistern rainwater system pilot (RainGrid controller).


Bethesda Green will continue to educate area property managers on sustainable stormwater management and engage and educate residents and community members on best practices and native plants.


Bethesda Green releases a video showing the development of the Glen Waye Gardens project and a best management practice video for property managers


Chesapeake Bay Trust grant period ends.
Click here to download our free conservation landscape coloring sheet based on our stormwater reduction project at Glen Waye Gardens.

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